A Pipedrive Account
An Intercom Account
To first install an App on an Intercom Workspace, you must be a workspace admin. This is a restriction imposed by Intercom. If you are not a workspace admin and you wish to use the Pipedrive by Highways App, please request that your Intercom workspace admin install our Pipedrive App to your Intercom workspace first.
If an app has already been installed by a workspace admin, you will find the App available in your Inbox. Simply add the App to your Inbox by clicking Customize in the top right corner and adding Pipedrive by Highways.
How to Install Pipedrive
1) To begin, navigate to the Pipedrive by Intercom App listing on the Intercom App Store or click here.
2) You will then be redirected to the Pipedrive by Highways installation page where you must accept the access conditions from Highways for Intercom.
3) Upon successful acceptance, you will be redirected to Pipedrive where you must authorise Highways to utilise your Pipedrive account.
4) Lastly, you will be redirected to your Intercom Inbox and can begin to use your new Pipedrive App!